The following should serve to clarify a number of items that have appeared on these pages over the past year.
Corrections and amputations:
Most of the modern city is temporary and will be redone over time
Court backs owl project
You can flight city hall
Six stores above queens
Moth lab discovered in garage
Man struck by blightening
Ugly spider web mars pleasant meadow
Have you ever heard the window sill, calling in the night?
Nocturnal migrations
Crepuscular emissions
Avuncular vocations
Wholly rosaries
My other bimbo is a limo
My limo moped
Sightly gash left on victim’s temple
Two weeks of lovely weather in Bangladesh
In case of rapture this car will be unwomyned
Spring truly pleasant in Baghdad
Neanderthals wanted for new trans-Caucasus mail routes
Suicide bomber leaves gash in temple, scores of victims
A scissor-tailed flycatcher is a beautiful bird of open grasslands dotted with trees
Shrubs and occasional fences, which are all convenient perches
She doth plucketh the harp o’er dewy fields to inviteth me to swing mine net there
Look for it atop the barbed-wire fence or the dead Osage Orange
God Made The World For You!
Tea Party applauds higher teacher salaries
But not you or you or you or him
Residents happy for increase in gun crimes
And definitely not her . . .
Massive coffee spill threatens lunch
Pols stir the pot of resentment
Pols freeze the leftover casserole of contentment
Do not fear the guard is here
Robin builds nest in silly location
My barista can beat up your sommelier
Female mail carrier is ‘pretty pretty,’ observes local man
Trees obscuring view of forest, claims state agency in charge of casino project
Raccoon struck by car ‘stupid’ to have crossed road in first place
Thai anti-government protesters ‘tie one on’: twelve killed
Tree kills drunk driver
I said shoot; I didn't say shoot
The Knights of Columbus like to wear funny hats and carry swords
They protect Mary from Catholics and Irish
You think that is a secret, but it never has been one
Minor birds; major fleas
Moa more than never
Man on mower screams for guns
What is the enharmonic equivalent to a liver at flood stage?
A Great-tailed Grackle drinking coffee
Is it racist to say that all of North Korea’s leaders look like Elvis impersonators?
The King and the King of Kings shaking hands in a black velvet painting
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