Except for the disarticulated trilobite exoskeletons, the other fossils depicted here come from ones my daughters and I have collected over the past few years. (Click on the image to see a larger version). The cephalopod chunk is about 5 inches or 11 centimeters long, and comes from a local creek. There's a clear C-shaped band of what might be silica crystals in the narrower, broken end of the fossil. The horn coral is a beautiful little fossil RJS found in Four Mile Creek last summer.
"Slab with slightly disarticulated trilobite exoskeletons . . . " is a companion to "Trilobite Concealed/Revealed." That piece is modeled after a 3 centimeter, 1-1/2 inch long trilobite fossil almost completely obscured in a stone I found last summer in a little wildcat gravel mining site along the Great Miami River.
Feldmann, et. al.'s Fossils of Ohio (Bulletin 70, Ohio Division of Geological Survey, Columbus, Ohio. 1996), is a handy reference when messing around with fossils.
This piece uses the font Arial, which many consider the evil second-rate impostor of perhaps the most ubiquitous and, in the eyes of many designers, the worst font in the world (besides Arial):Helvetica. (In 2007, Helvetica was the subject of a documentary that has appeared on PBS, among other places. Excerpts can be viewed on YouTube.)
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